This study investigated the influence of storage temperature and storage time on goat milk somatic cell counts (SCCs) determined using the DeLaval cell counter (DCC). SCCs were measured in 40 Majorera goat milk samples using the DCC device. Samples were grouped from high score (>2,750 x 10(3) cells/mL) to low score (<630 x 10(3) cell/mL) according to the SCC. Each milk sample was divided into four aliquots and stored at four different temperatures (4 degrees C, 21 degrees C, 36 degrees C or 45 degrees C). The SCC was recorded every hour for 12 hours. Storage of goat milk with a high SCC for 5, 5, 2 or 1 hour at 4 degrees C, 21 degrees C, 36 degrees C or 45 degrees C, respectively, decreased the SCC value compared to fresh milk. The goat milk SCC was lower after 1 hour of storage than that determined for fresh milk at any tested temperature in low-SCC samples. The data presented herein suggest that regardless of storage temperature, goat milk samples should not be stored for more than 1 hour before measurement of SCC with a DCC device.