of dir;estiol/ hv./i:III/OIidil/e pretrellllllelll does I/ot illTer!<'re with the opioid-ellhallcinr; e!Teet or ingested amniotic fluid. PHYSIOL BEHAV 57(2) 26 1-263. 1995.-lngestion of placenta or amniotic fluid by nits has been shown to enhance ongoing opioid-mediated anlinociception. but does not. by itself. produce anlinociception. This enhancement is produced by an active substanee(s) in placenta and amniotic fluid that we have termcd POEF for placental opioid-enhancing factor. Previous research has shown that enhancement requires mediation by the gastrointestinal system: gastric vagotomy blocks enhancement produced hy ingested placenta; amniotic fluid injected SC or IP does not produce enhancement. The present study was designed to distinguish hetween two possible explanations for the blockade of the POEF effect produced by gastric vagotomy: that afferent information arising in vagal gastric receptors conveys the critical information to the CNS. or that disruption of vagal efferent action on digestion blocks the manufacture or activation of the POEF molecule in the gut. Famotidine is an H,-histamine receptor antagonist that reduces gastric acid and pepsin secretion to an extent at least as great as gastric vagotomy. Rats treated with either famotidine or a vehicle were fed placenta or a control substance. then stimulated with vaginal/cervical probing to produce antinociception that is partly opioid mediated. Famotidine did not block POEF enhance ment of vaginal/cervical stimulation-induced analgesia in a tail tlick latency test. These results suggest that enhancement by POEF does not require normal digestive processes or other processes inhibited by famotidine.
POEFPlacenta Amniotic tluid VSIA Famotidine Gastrointestinal Antinoeiception Opioids Rat Analgesia VIRTUALLY all nonhuman nonaquatic placental mammals lick amniotic fluid during parturition, and most also ingest placenta (6,7). Recent research into the causes and benefits of this ingestive behaVior. placentophagia, has shown that a sig nificant consequence is the enhancement of opioid-mediated analgesia (7). The active substance(s) in placenta and amniotic fluid, POEF (for placental opioid-enhancing factor), does not produce analgesia by itself. It does. however, enhance opioid mediated antinociception such as that which exists at the end of pregnancy (10) as well as that produced by morphine in jection (9), foot shock (I I), and vaginal/cervical stimulation (12). Enhancement occurs centrally and is reversed by opioid antagonists (4).Research on POEF has indicated that involvement of the gas trointestinal system is necessary for its enhancing effect. Eaten placenta or eaten or orogastrically infused amniotic fluid en hances opioid-mediated antinociception, whereas subcutane ously or intraperitoneally injected amniotic fluid does not (I). Furthermore, gastric vagotomy has been found to block the en hancing effect of ingested placenta on morphine-induced anti-I To whom requests for reprints should be addressed. 261 nociception (15). However. the vagus...