“…No significant difference was found among the three rations in the digestibility coefficient of DM, OM, CP, EE, CF, NFE, NDF and ADF. Our results were in consistent with the findings of Seshaiah and Ramana Reddy [22] who observed no difference (p>0.05) in the digestibility coefficient of DM, OM, CP, EE, CF, NFE, NDF and ADF in graded Murrah calves by replacing the conventional roughage source (sorghum stover) with unconventional roughage source (sweet sorghum stover bagasse) which were value bearing different superscripts in a row differ significantly (P<0.05), D1, D2, D3 refers to complete rations of sorghum stover (D1), maize stover (D2) and sweet sorghum stover (D3) with roughage to concentrate ratio 60:40 respectively. SEM=Standard error of the mean, DMI=Dry matter intake, DCP=Digestible crude protein, TDN=Total digestible nutrients, DE=Digestible energy, ME=Metabolizable energy, DM=Dry matter, OM=Organic matter, EE=Ether extract, CF=Crude fibre, NFE=Nitrogen free extract, NDF=Neutral detergent fibre, ADF=Acid detergent fibre, CP=Crude protein [24] stated that the grinding and blending of crop residues with concentrate (in a given ratio) into mash was found to be useful for efficient utilisation of crop residues in ruminants.…”