Meat and meat products are suited for microbial growth and it becomes contaminated with a variety of microorganisms during the slaughtering and dressing process and some of which are pathogens. The objective of this study was to count, isolate, and identifies different pathogens & indicators in beef samples at Abattoir and Retail outlets in Assosa town. A cross-sectional study was done on a total of 70 samples of raw meat (beef); 35 samples from butchers' shop in the town and 35 samples at Abattoir from May 2018 to February 2019. Mean bacterial counts in beef were compared by one way ANOVA through SPSS 20. Significance of differences held at p<0.05. The range count of aerobic mesophilic bacteria at Butchers shop and Abattoir was 2.75 -7.52 log 10 cfu/g and 2.49 -5.16 log 10 cfu/g, respectively. Similarly, the count range of S. aureus at the Butchers shop and Abattoir was 2.74 4.84 log 10 CFU/g and 2.71 4.72 log 10 cfu/g, respectively. 13 (37.1%) at Abattoir and 17 (48.6%) at Retail outlets were contaminated to E. coli whereas 9 (25.7%) and 12 (34.3%) of the sample from Abattoir and retail outlets were contaminated with Salmonella spp., respectively. Coliforms were absent at 11 (31.4%) and 5 (14.3%) of the total samples from Abattoir and Retail outlets, respectively. Only 13 (38.71%) and 6 (17.14%) of the samples at Abattoir and Retail outlets, respectively were satisfactory for S. aureus. While 80% at the Abattoir and 57.7% at Butchers shop of the samples were satisfactory for AMB. The handling and environmental hygiene of butchers' in the town showed that 2 (77.1%) and 29 (82.9%) of the meat contact surface and the carcass; were unprotected and easily exposed to flies, respectively. Only (2, 12.5%) workers in the slaughterhouse had been taken training on food hygiene & safety, and (3, 18.8%) wore hand gloves during slaughtering. The majority of the food samples were within acceptable and some at satisfactory quality range but still it indicates high microbial contamination of the raw meat especially those from butchers. There were also some difficulties to achieve slaughtering in the working area due to a shortage of work-related facilities. Therefore, the town administration office and other concerned bodies should fulfill facilities and adequate training for butchers/workers on their hygiene, sanitation and handling of the raw meat.