The circular-patch welding test was used to study the liquation and liquation cracking of AZseries Mg alloys. A heat treatment was carried out on the as-received AZ91 alloy to dissolve the γ (Mg 17 Al 12 ) particles before welding. The circular-patch welding test was then conducted on the heat-treated, as-received AZ91 alloy using AZ61 and AZ91 filler wires. The results showed that the susceptibility of AZ91 alloy to liquation and liquation cracking was significantly reduced by the dissolution of massive γ (Mg 17 Al 12 ) particles via a heat treatment before welding as the liquation mechanism was changed. Both constitutional liquation and incipient melting occurred in the partially melted zone of the as-received AZ91 welds, while only incipient melting occurred in the heat-treated AZ91 welds.