Free living ncmatode Caenorhabditis elegans was used as a tesi systetn for screening anthclmintic phenolics. The tnost effective concentrations (100, 500 and 1000 //g m!"') were used against root knot neinatode Meloidogyne incognita. Effect of these phenolics was determined on growth and dcveloptnent of host planr Capsicum frutescens cv. California Wonder. Second stage juveniles of M. incognita were hatched from egg tnasses collected from roots of host plant and subjected to similar phenol concentrations for 48 h. Mortality of M. incognita was recorded on the basis of parameters used for test organism bioassay. Both healthy and inoculated plants of C. frutescens cv. California Wonder were treated with solutions of salicylic acid (SA) and p-betahydroxy benzoic acid (BA) so that each pot received 100, 500 and 1000 mg phenol. Control plants were supplied with distilled water. Plants were uprooted 21 days afier inoculation and roots were gall indexed. Some plants were left in the pots ior further growth and development. Surface sterilised seedlings of host plant were raised and moculated with second stage juveniles of M. incognita. Thereafter observations were recorded on the vegetative and reproductive parameters of the plants. Drench application of SA and BA were found quite effective with no apparent phytotoxic effect.
ZusammenfassungNematizidaktivitat einiger phenoiischer Verbindungen auf die Wurzelgallenbildung sowie das Wachstum und den Ertrag von Capsicum frutescens, Sorte California Wonder Die freilebende Nematode Cacnorhahditis elegans wurde als Indikator benutzt, um antihelmintische phcnolische Verbindungen zu priifen. AnschliefJend wurden die wirksamsten Konzentrationen (100, 500 und lOOO^g ml"') gegen die Wurzelgallennematode Meloidogyne incognita angewandt. Der EinfluE dieser Verbindungen auf das Wachstum und die Entwicklung der Wirtspflanze Capsicum frutescens, Sorte California Wonder wurde ermittelt. M. incognita Juvenoidtin im zweiten Entwicklungsstadium, die aus Eiermassen, gesammelt von Wurzeln der Wirtspfianze, geschllipft waren, wurden iihnlichen Phenolkonzentrationen iiber 48 h ausgesetzt. Die Sterblichkeit U.S. Copynyh, Ck.r.,KC Ccn-., Cod. St..,.mcnt: 093 1-1 785/90/2902-01 59S02.50/0