The linear stability of thermally stratified horizontal two-phase Couette flow is analyzed for the case of a constant vertical temperature gradient. Instabilities driven by buoyancy, surface tension gradients, or shear are allowed for. It is shown that the instability can take three possible forms: streamwise oriented roll vortices, long interfacial waves, and short TollmienSchlichting waves. It is shown that the stability limits for rolls are identical to those for plane, stagnant layers. A long wave expansion is presented and the stability limits for this mode are given algebraically. The nonexistence of a Squire's Theorem is demonstrated and some numerical experiments at moderate Reynolds numbers are described. Detailed comparisons with previous work are possible for only one fluid pair, but it is shown that reasonably accurate statements may be made to determine which mode may manifest itself in any given experimental situation.
SCOPEUnder certain conditions, diffusive heat or mass transfer across a fluid-fluid interface can result in a convective instability. The secondary convection is driven by the temperature or concentration gradients. Because rates of transport are enhanced severalfold over that occurring by the diffusion mechanism alone, an understanding of thz phenomena is of great practical interest. Study of this instability of diffusive transport has attracted considerable attention since it was first observed by B6nard (1900). It is now well known to be due to either surface tension variations or buoyantly unstable density variations.Many theoretical analyses of instabilities driven by buoyancy and surface tension gradients exist for the case of stagnant plane fluid layers, (Berg et al., 1966;Sawistowski, 1971). The results of these studies have been substantiated by experiments, but it has been difficult to apply these results to cases of practical importance because of several restrictive assumptions. One of these is the assumption of initially stagnant phases. The objective in this work is to examine the effect of a rectilinear flow on some of the predictions made in stagnant systems. The work is motivated by the pervasiveness of shear in situations of practical interest such as liquid-liquid extraction, film evaporators, and wetted wall columns. All of these are situations where convective instabilities would be expected. In this paper, the first of a three part series, we employ the techniques of linear stability theory to (1) categorize the possible modes of instability in two-phase concurrent flow and (2) determine quantitative instability criteria which would allow one to predict which of these modes would occur.
CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCEThe model system used here is the simplest incorporating the important physics of the problem. Thermally stratified two-phase Couette flow is considered. We take the gravity vector to be perpendicular to the boundar'es generating the shear field and the thermal stratification to be linear. The treatment for mass transfer ij identical except for the sta...