We have numerically investigated the dependence of pedestal properties such as the pedestal height and the pedestal width on the normalized pressure gradient (α) in the connection region, α c . We used an ideal MHD stability code, MISHKA, and the pedestal predictive model, EPED1, to analyze the effect of α c on the edge stability and predict pedestal structure. Edge stability is affected by α c because the unstable mode extends radially into the core. Improvement of pedestal properties can be achieved by reducing α c . Effect of α c on the edge instability is largest for the intermediate mode n. Larger gradient of Shafranov shift, ∆ ′ s , also improves the pedestal width and height by stabilizing peeling-ballooning mode (PBM). Our result has been applied to JET hybrid discharges to explain the coupling between core and edge pressure profile in H-mode plasma configuration through α c and ∆ ′ s . The extended correlation loop between poloidal beta and the pedestal parameters is presented.