Abstract. This study was conducted to examine the effect of grafted peppers (Capsicum annuum) on different rootstocks on fruit quality. Three pepper cultivars, 'Nokkwang', 'Saengsaeng Matkkwari', and 'Shinhong' were grafted onto five commercial rootstocks that are known to be resistant to Phytophtora blight. Non-grafted or auto-grafted peppers were used as controls. Grafted plants were grown during two consecutive harvest periods by semi-forcing culture (April to August) and retarding culture (September to March the subsequent year). Full size green fruits were harvested and weighed weekly from June to August (Semi-forcing culture) and from December to March of the subsequent year (Retarding culture). The fruit size, weight, flesh thickness, and firmness were measured every month. Total marketable yield was not significantly influenced by either auto-graft of 'Nokkwang', 'Saengsaeng Matkkwari', and 'Shinhong' of pepper or grafted with the five commercial rootsctocks. By contrast, grafting influenced the apparent fruit quality of peppers. Fruit characteristics differed depending on the rootstock cultivars. However, the fruit characteristics of rootstock did not affect the fruit characteristics of scion grafted onto that rootstock. Fruit characteristics in each treatment differed among harvest time (first, second, and third harvest). Fruit quality parameters were also different as affected by the harvest period. In conclusion, apparent quality and textural property of pepper fruits were influenced by not only grafting with different rootstocksbut also by the harvest period and harvest time. Accordingly, rootstock/scion combination, the scion variety and the harvest period must be carefully chosen to get the desired optimal fruit quality.