Effect of changing the gravity vector on respiratory output and control. J Appl Physiol 97: 1219 -1226, 2004. First published May 21, 2004 10.1152/japplphysiol. 00845.2003.-We studied the respiratory output in five subjects exposed to parabolic flights [gravity vector 1, 1.8 and 0 gravity vector in the craniocaudal direction (Gz)] and when switching from sitting to supine (legs bent at the knees). Despite differences in total respiratory compliance (highest at 0 Gz and in supine and minimum at 1.8 Gz), no significant changes in elastic inspiratory work were observed in the various conditions, except when comparing 1.8 Gz with 1 Gz (subjects were in the seated position in all circumstances), although the elastic work had an inverse relationship with total respiratory compliance that was highest at 0 Gz and in supine posture and minimum at 1.8 Gz.Relative to 1 Gz, lung resistance (airways plus lung tissue) increased significantly by 52% in the supine but slightly decreased at 0 Gz. We calculated, for each condition, the tidal volume changes based on the energy available in the preceding phase and concluded that an increase in inspiratory muscle output occurs when respiratory load increases (e.g., going from 0 to 1.8 Gz), whereas a decrease occurs in the opposite case (e.g., from 1.8 to 0 Gz). Despite these immediate changes, ventilation increased, going to 1.8 and 0 Gz (up to Ϸ23%), reflecting an increase in mean inspiratory flow rate, tidal volume, and respiratory frequency, while ventilation decreased (approximately Ϫ14%), shifting to supine posture (transition time ϳ15 s). These data suggest a remarkable feature in the mechanical arrangement of the respiratory system such that it can maintain the ventilatory output with small changes in inspiratory muscle work in face of considerable changes in configuration and mechanical properties. microgravity; respiratory mechanics; respiratory control; pulmonary ventilation OUR LABORATORY HAS PREVIOUSLY SHOWN that microgravity represents a condition of minimum distortion of the respiratory system and, furthermore, that increasing the gravity vector in the craniocaudal direction (G z ) during parabolic flights or changing its orientation in the dorsoventral direction (shifting from head-up to supine) causes marked changes in the configuration and in the elastic properties of the lung and chest wall, as well as in their mechanical coupling (5, 6). This paper reports the first computation of respiratory work when the distortion of the respiratory system is minimal (i.e., during microgravity) and provides a comparison with conditions in which the system is loaded by varying G z . Because the metabolic demand remains unchanged on suddenly varying G z , we wished to determine how the respiratory activity is controlled after abrupt loading or unloading. We approached the question by evaluating how a given energy output delivered by the inspiratory muscles is being used when the mechanical load imposed on the respiratory system is varied and evaluated how this impacts on the ven...