Contrary to simplified theoretical models, atomistic calculations presented here reveal that sufficiently large in-plane shape elongation of quantum dots can not only decrease, but even reverse the splitting of the two lowest optically active excitonic states. Such a surprising cancellation of bright-exciton splitting occurs for shape-anisotropic nanostructures with realistic elongation ratios, yet without a wetting layer, which plays here a vital role. However, this non-trivial effect due to shapeelongation is strongly diminished by alloy randomness resulting from intermixing of InAs quantumdot material with the surrounding InP matrix. Alloying randomizes, and to some degree flattens the shape dependence of fine-structure splitting giving a practical justification for the application of simplified theories. Finally, we find that the dark-exciton spectra are rather weakly affected by alloying and are dominated by the effects of lateral elongation. Quantum dots 1,2 are man-made semiconductor nanostructures that come in a wide variety of types 3-5 , and are extensively studied with interest driven by both basic scientific curiosity as well as promising applications in quantum information 6 , computing 7,8 , and cryptography 9. Apart from the elementary excitations, electrons and holes, quantum dots can confine interacting electron-hole pairs, namely excitons. 10 An emission cascade from a two exciton (biexciton) state, through two indistinguishable exciton states should lead to the emission of polarization entangled photon pairs. 9,11-13 However, in realistic quantum dots the intermediate exciton state is often split by the electron-hole exchange interaction 14-16 hindering the efficiency of the entanglement generation. This energetic difference between the two bright exciton states, known as the fine-structure splitting or the bright exciton splitting (BES) is typically (10-100 µeV) much larger than the emission linewidth (∼ 1 µeV). Tailoring the BES in nanostructures is thus essential due to its relevance for photon entanglement generation. 7,11,17,18 This is particularly important for InAs/InP nanostructures, which are promising candidates for quantum emitters at 1.3 or 1.55 µm telecommunication relevant wavelengths 19-22. Notably, InAs/InP nanostructures can be fabricated in various ways, including self-assembled and nanowire quantum dots 23-27 of quasi-cylindrical shapes, as well as strongly elongated dots 28-42 , sometimes referred to as quantum dashes. Similarly to cylindrically-shaped dot systems, quantum dashes have the potential for applications 30,31,43-45 combined with considerable tuning capabilities 46,47. The manipulation of the BES aimed towards generation of entangled photon pairs is a vital and broad research area with significant efforts have been made utilizing post-growth annealing 48,49 , spectral filtering 9 , sample selection 50,51 , growth of highly symmetric structures 24,26,52-54 , and the application of external electric 55,56 , magnetic 18,57,58 , and strain fields 59-61. With respect t...