Please cite this article as: Linda Strddotom, Per-Anders Carlsson, Magnus Skoglundh, Hanna Härelind, Hydrogen-assisted SCR of NOx over alumina-supported silver and indium catalysts using C2-hydrocarbons and oxygenates, Applied Catalysis B, Environmental http://dx.
Graphical abstractHighlights Impregnated catalysts coated onto monoliths are evaluated for lean HC-SCR. C2-based reductant probing of active sites over Ag/Al2O3 and In/Al2O3 is performed. The origin of the hydrogen effect is evaluated and compared between the catalyst.
AbstractThis work focuses on the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of nitrogen oxides (NO x ) with ethane, ethene, acetic acid, dimethyl ether (DME) and ethanol, respectively, over aluminasupported silver and indium catalysts. The impact of hydrogen and the nature of the reductant on the catalyst structure and SCR activity are studied. The ability to reduce NO x differs significantly among the studied reductants, but also between the two catalysts, of which Ag/Al 2 O 3 is the overall most active catalyst. However, the In/Al 2 O 3 catalyst exhibits high SCR activity with DME as reductant in contrast to the Ag/Al 2 O 3 catalyst, which shows negligible activity. We attribute this difference to the higher number of acidic sites on the In/Al 2 O 3 catalyst and the higher degree of DME combustion over Ag/Al 2 O 3 . Moreover, the number of sites that previously have been identified to promote hydrocarbon activation, i.e. silver cluster sites (Ag n δ+ ) in Ag/Al 2 O 3 catalysts and indium cluster sites (In 3+ ) in In/Al 2 O 3 catalysts, are shown to increase upon addition of small amounts of hydrogen in the feed. We suggest that the increased SCR activity over In/Al 2 O 3 originates from an increased number of sites for activation of hydrocarbons, analogous to previous proposals for Ag-based catalysts, in combination with a direct effect on the reaction mechanism.