A�������. The benthic macroinvertebrate community structure is directly related to environmental factors such as water characteristics, habitat availability and substrate heterogeneity. This study had the purpose of characterizing the benthic macroinvertebrate community and compare its a�ributes in streams located inside (preserved area) and outside (altered area) the Iguaçu National Park, in the west of Parana, Brazil, in two season (dry and rainy). Three replicates per site were obtained through the Surber collector in four microhabitats (li�er pool, li�er riffle, substrate pool and substrate riffle). There was significant discrimination in the benthic fauna composition among the study areas (Wilks=0.091; F 272,746 = 2.249; P<0.0001). The taxa Corbiculidae, Hyalellidae and Trichodactylidae characterized the Macuco Stream; Talitridae, Libellulidae and Naucoridae characterized Poço Preto and Dourado stream; Oligoneuridae, Leptoceridae and Hydropsychidae characterized Apepu stream, and Tubificidae, Corduliidae and Elmidae were grouped in Tamanduá stream. Significant differences were observed in the mean density and richness (P<0.05) among the streams from both preserved and altered areas, with the highest richness recorded in the preserved area and li�er pool microhabitat. The RDA Analysis separated the streams and organisms according to the environmental variables. The a�ribute differences were related to the preservation conditions of the riparian forest, whose presence in the preserved streams provided greater diversity of habitats and contributed to the presence of organisms on the substrate. On the other hand, several of impacts a�ributed to the agrochemical contaminants, soil disturbation and degradation of the riparian vegetation may be considered as factors which contributed to the differences among the analyzed streams.[Keywords: aquatic macroinvertebrates, Iguaçu National Park, agricultural impact, riparian vegetation, habitat heterogeneity] R������. Distribución de comunidades bentónicas en relación a la integridad ambiental de arroyos subtropicales. La estructura de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos está directamente relacionada con factores ambientales tales como las características del agua, la disponibilidad de hábitats y la diversidad de sustratos. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos y comparar los atributos de esta comunidad en los arroyos internos (zona preservada) y externos (zona alterada) del Parque Nacional Iguazú, al oeste de Paraná, Brasil, en dos períodos estacionales (seco y húmedo). Se tomaron tres repeticiones por sitio, con colector Surber, en cuatro microhábitats (hojas en remanso, hojas en la corriente, sedimentos en remanso y sedimentos en la corriente). Se encontró una discriminación significativa en la composición de la fauna bentónica entre las áreas de estudio (Wilks=0.091; F 272,746 =2.249, P<0.0001). Las taxa Corbiculidae, Hyalellidae y Trichodactylidae caracterizaron al arroyo Macuco; Talitridae, Libellulidae...