We evaluate recombination of electrons and holes in optically pumped graphene associated with the interband tunneling between electron-hole puddles and calculate the recombination rate and time. It is demonstrated that this mechanism can be dominant in a wide range of pumping intensities. We show that the tunneling recombination rate and time are nonmonotonic functions of the quasi-Fermi energies of electrons and holes and optical pumping intensity. This can result in hysteresis phenomena.The gapless energy spectrum of electrons and holes in graphene layers (GLs) and non-Bernal stacked multiple graphene layers (MGLs) [1][2][3], which leads to specific features of its electrical and optical processes, opens up prospects of building of novel devices exploiting the interband absorption and emission of terahertz (THz) and infrared (IR) photons. Apart from an obvious possibility to use of graphene in THz and IR photodetectors [4][5][6], graphene layers (GLs) and multiple graphene layers (MGLs) can serve as active media in THz or IR lasers with optical [7][8][9][10][11][12] and injection [13] pumping. The achievement of sufficiently strong population inversion, which is necessary for negative dynamic conductivity in the THz or IR ranges of frequencies, can be complicated by the recombination processes. The recombination of electrons and holes in GLs at not too low temperatures is mainly determined by the emission of optical photons [14]. Due to a relatively high energy of optical phonons ( ω 0 ≃ 0.2 eV), the recombination rate in GLs associated with this mechanism can be acceptable even at the room temperatures [10][11][12]. The radiative recombination in the practically interesting temperatures is weaker than that due to the optical phonon emission [15]. The acoustic phonon recombination mechanism as well as the Auger mechanism are forbidden due to the linearity of the electron and hole spectra even in the case their modifications associated with the inter-carrier interaction [16,17]. More complex processes involving the electron and hole scattering on impurities assisted by acoustic phonons also provide rather long recombination times which are longer than the radiative recombination time [18]. However in GLs with a disorder caused, for instance, by fluctuation of the surface charges resulting in the formation of the electron and hole puddles [19] (see also, for instance, Refs. [20][21][22]), the recombination can also be associated with the interband tunneling in the spots where the build-in fluctuation field is sufficiently strong.In this paper, we find the dependences of the recombination rate and time in graphene with electron-hole puddles on the quasi-Fermi energy of electrons and holes (pumping intensity). Our results can be used for the interpretation of experimental observations and to promote the realization of graphene-based THz and IR lasers.The electric potential ϕ = ϕ(x, y, z), where x and y are the coordinates in the GL plane and the coordinate z is directed perpendicular to this plane, is governed by ...