In agriculture, soil is a critical component. This study compares the fertilization status of IC-HAPI zone with neighbouring IB-INW zone in agricultural land and waste land categories. IB-INW zone and IC-HAPI zone located inRajasthan, India, were selected, with two different agriculture productions. Soil contents, calcium carbonate, CEC, pH,
EC, OC, N, P, K, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn were compared. The fertilization status difference in soil of IB-INW and IC-HAPI zone was evaluated using the deterioration index (DI). Compared to soil of IB-INW zone, overall DI values of +288.2% (FLS) and +274.75% (WLS) were observed in soil of IC-HAPI. In the present study, -45.16% (FLS) and -58.45% (WLS)DI value of calcium carbonate were analysed in IC-HAPI. In farmland soil, positive DI values of nitrogen and phosphorus +25.25% and +24.23% were observed, respectively. While in case of nitrogen and phosphorus, positive +16.83% and +46.04% DI values were analysed in wasteland soil of IC-HAPI. The SFM model showed the deficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon were more pronounced in both zones. Model helps to predict soil fertilization
status, and is able to solve nutrient related problems by micro-organisms. These micro-organisms can help to enhance and maintain the soil fertility and crop yield in the IC-HAPI and IB-INW zone. This experiment will help and encourage to researchers, agronomists or farmers, who are interested in evaluation of the agronomic, nutrient management and soil fertility management to sustain present and future agriculture. In this study, we calibrate the comparison of soil parameters as a tool for understanding and evaluating the fertilization status relationship between IB-INW and IC-HAPI zone of Rajasthan also, using a computational model.
IC-HAPI zone isa widely spread sea of sand. It covers 82475 km 2 area in Rajasthan province. Mainly found vegetations of this area are Aak (Calotropis procera), Khimp (Leptadenia pyrotechnica), Ber (Ziziphus mauritiana) and Karira (Capparis decidua). The IC-hyper arid partial irrigated zone is one of the most seriously poor vegetation (desertified) areas in Rajasthan province, India. A very little part of this area has water supply, which makes the cultivation of wheat and mustard possible. Most of area is dependent on rain for water. If it rains, farmers grow Bajra (Pennisetum glaucum), Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba), Moth (Vigna aconitifolia) and Chana (Cicer arietinum). On the other hand, neighbor IB-INW zone, which is just next to IC-HAPI zone, is much more suitable for agriculture. This zone covers an area of 20634 km 2 . The IB-INW zone has mainly two districts namely Sri Ganganagar and Hanumangarh. This area is so rich in agriculture that Sri Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11Ganganagar is known as the "food basket" of Rajasthan.Compared on the bases of agricultural production, both neighbor zones have day-night difference. Agricultural fields are the backbone of economy and ecology of any developing country. "Soil" is the m...