A 46-year-old man had a 7-year history of severe rash, which was then diagnosed as necrolytic migratory erythema. H e had a weight loss of 6 kg, abnormal glucose tolerance test findings, anemia, glossitis, hair loss, and hypoproteinemia. Plasma amino acids levels were significantly decreased, and the fasting plasma glucagon (IRG) level was high at 5000 to 8000 pg/ml. Circulating IRG significantly increased after oral glucose loading, meal ingestion, and arginine infusion, and decreased with somatostatin infusion and insulin-induced hypoglycemia. No other gut or pancreatic hormone levels in plasma were elevated. Plasma IRG was eluted by gel-filtration, mainly in the position of true glucagon (MW 3500) by antiserum 30K.The rash was markedly improved after infusion of amino acids. Computerized tomography (a) scan and celiac angiography revealed a large pancreatic tumor with multiple liver and lymph node metastases. The pancreatic tumor was totally resected, and was identified as glucagonoma by immunohistochemical technique. Since the plasma IRG levels remained high after surgery, the patient received dimethyltriazenoimidazole carboxamide therapy. After several courses of this treatment, plasma IRG levels decreased to 1000 to 2000 pg/ml, and the hepatic metastases were remarkably diminished in size.Cancer 57: [860][861][862][863][864][865] 1986. LUCAGONOMA is a rare islet A-cell tumor of the pan-G creas. Becker et ul. ' first described this clinical phe-