Using the technique of galvanostatically controlled electrochemical charging, Inconel 903 was deuterium charged from 1N deuterated sulfuric acid electrolyte, both with and without a sodium arsenate recombination poison. Nuclear reaction analysis was used to characterize the deuterium concentration vs. depth profiles over a range of current densities from 0.1 to 1000 A/m 2. Below 0.3 A/m S local corrosion and trapping controlled the surface concentration of deuterium. Up to 3 A/m ~ the poisoned and unpoisoned solutions produced similar surface deuterium concentrations. Above 3 A/m S the poisoned solution produced very large concentrations, while the concentration produced by the unpoisoned solution approached an upper limiting value. A platinum cathode was used to study the effects of the recombination poison, which was found to produce significant changes in charge transfer and in the surface chemical equilibria. Microstructural damage in IN903 occurred at and above 100 A/m z in the poisoned solution but did not occur in the unpoisoned solution. This damage was produced by the volumetric expansion resulting from deuterium absorption.Whenever metals are exposed to hydrogen or hydrogen producing environments, hydrogen embrittlement is a concern. It is characterized by degradation in tensile ductility and resistance to crack growth. These effects are studied by testing samples in hydrogen producing environments, or by precharging samples with hydrogen. Near room temperature, electrochemical charging is the most commonly used technique because it is experimentally easier to apply than gas-phase techniques. In addition, galvanostatic control is frequently chosen (1-6) because of its simplicity (8), and because it is capable of producing large quantities of hydrogen at the specimen surface. In recent years the study of hydrogen effects has focused on austenitic stainless steels and superalloys because of their greater resistance to hydrogen embrittlement than ferritic steels (9-12). Several studies have examined near-surface concentrations (1, 2), microstructural effects (1, 5), and hydrogen diffusivity and solubility (3, 4, 7) in stainless steels, using galvanostatic control.The concentration of hydrogen at the metal surface during electrochemical charging is related to the fugacity of the hydrogen which exhibits a complex dependence on solution pH, applied potential, chemical composition of the solution near the metal surface and composition of the metal, the constituent phases, and inclusions (13,14). To fully understand and utilize this technique, a systematic study of galvanostatically controlled electrochemical charging of hydrogen into austenite is needed. In this study, we characterized galvanostatic charging of the superalloy IN903 from both poisoned and unpoisoned 1N deuterated sulfuric acid solutions at current densities from 0.1 to 1000 A/m S. We then measured the deuterium concentration profile to a depth of 3 ~m by nuclear reaction analysis, using the D(3He, p)4He reaction (15). Numerical fitting of the d...