This study aims to evaluate the reproductive performance of Nilem fish (Osteochilus hasselti) through artificial spawning methods. Spawning was conducted in glass aquaria using the sGnRH-a hormone on both male and female broodstocks. Egg production, fertilization rate (FR), hatching rate (HR), and survival rate (SR) were the main observed parameters. The research results revealed that the average egg production per female broodstock reached 25,350, indicating a high level of fecundity. The fertilization rate reached 97.70%, indicating an effective egg fertilization process. The hatching rate (HR) value of 92.20% indicates success in the egg-hatching process. Larval survival rate (SR) during the 4-day rearing period reached 84.70%. Maintaining optimal water quality also contributed to the success of artificial spawning. In conclusion, artificial spawning in Nilem fish could achieve high levels of success by optimizing reproductive parameters and considering environmental factors. This study provides valuable insights into the sustainable development of Nilem fish cultivation.