Three airplanes--a sailplane, a piston powered sailplane, and a twin turboprop--have been instrumented to measure electric fields inside electrified clouds and the net electric charge on the airplanes. In unelectrified clouds the powered airplanes become negatively charged during collisions with liquid cloud water droplets whereas the sailplane does not. In thunderstorm clouds, several airplane charging mechanisms are found to operate. These involve collisions with liquid water droplets of the cloud and the shedding of polarization charge in the presence of strong electric fields. For these charging processes, the sign of the acquired charge depends on the sign of the component of the atmospheric electric field along the direction of flight. When the amounts of charge on the powered airplanes are small, the engine exhaust acts to discharge the airplane, while for larger charges, corona emission becomes the predominant mechanism of discharge. about the evolving•charge structure of electrified clouds uti-V• = A•xEx.4 + A•yEy.4 + A•zEz.4 + A•QQ (2) lize airplanes instrumented to measure the electric field in-where the index I identifies the mounting location of the side clouds. However, measurement of the electric field in particular mill and the A terms are mill location dependent clouds by an airplane is complicated because of the distot-coefficients. With a sufficient number of field mills at approtions of that field, EcLorrz>, by the airplane and because of priate locations on the airplane it is possible, in principle, to ß the superimposed field, /•Q, due to the net electric charge, determine Ex, Ey, Ez, and Q. However, determination of Q, that the airplane usually acquires. Additionally, there is t•cLorrD may be difficult in the presence of charge plumes often yet another superimposed field which further compli-since, being highly variable in character, charge plumes are cates the task of determining the cloud electric field. The not easily modeled. charge density on the surfac•e of the airplane due to the cloud The first step in extracting the ambient field components field and airplane charge, Q, varies from place to place on from the mill signals involves subtracting that part of the the airplane's surface and often becomes sufficiently large signal due to the airplane charge. This is most easily done at particular locations for the electric field strength there to when pairs of mills face in opposite directions along a given cause electrical breakdown of the air. The resulting corona airplane coordinate direction, since, although the A• for generates plumes of charge leaving the airplane [Stirnmel et the two opposed mills always have the same sign, the princial., 1946]. Thhs, a third corltribution to the electric field at pal field component coefficients, the A•r, for example, then the surfac e'of the airplane, can be caused by charge plumes have opposite signs. Figure i shows the configuration of emitted from the airplane. The engine exhaust plume also the SPTVAR (Special Purpose Test Vehicle for Atmosphe...