Background: With the SDG goals of using the generated output of one season on other season for managing the resource potential so to unlock the crop productivity is being the best alternative that need to be looked out in present climate change scenario. So, the present trial is focuses on the lines of residue management of legumes on maize sequence with nitrogen as the driving gradient in 2021-22 and 2022-23. Methods: The experiment is laid out in split-plot design with 18 treatments consisted of C1N1: groundnut100% RDN-maize, C1N2: groundnut75% RDN-maize, C2N1: soybean100% RDN-maize, C2N2: soybean75% RDN-maize, C3N1: greengram100% RDN-maize, C3N2: greengram75% RDN-maize as main-plots and 3 subplots viz.100% RDN, 125% RDN, 150% RDN (kharif and rabi respectively) during two years of study. Result: Among the different cropping systems, the preceding kharif greengram with 100% RDN on rabi zero-till maize showed higher growth parameters i.e. plant height, leaf area, leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD reading), dry matter at 30,60,90 DAS and at harvest and yields in both years. However, with respect to nitrogen levels, application of 150% RDN to rabi maize showed significantly higher growth and yields followed by 125% RDN and lowest was seen in 100% RDN in rabi respectively. On the other hand, the interaction effect was found significant at only 60 DAS in both years.