Please cite this article as: Brachet, M., Arroyo, J., Bannelier, C., Cazals, A., FortunLamothe, L.,Hydration capacity: a new criterion for feed formulation, Animal Feed Science and Technology (2015), http://dx.
18Twenty-four raw materials, harvested or produced in 2013 and commonly used in animal 19 feed, were used to measure their hydration capacities through both water-holding capacity (WHC, g 20 H 2 O/g DM after 24h of water addition) and swelling capacity (SC, mL H 2 O/g DM during 60 minutes 21 after water addition, every 5 minutes during the first 30 min and then every 10 min). The raw 22 materials were provided in the form of whole seeds (F1 class; n=8), flour/mash/hulls (F2 class, n=8) 23 or pellets (F3 class, n=9). Hydration capacities were measured for unprocessed material and also 24 after grinding of whole seeds (1, 3, 5 or 8 mm grid). The raw materials were analysed for fibre 25 content to study the relation with WHC and SC. Moreover, WHC and SC were measured on twenty-