Analysis of rat, pre-T cell 'Nb2 lymphoma' sublines, manicell lines 5.6 which can be used for investigating biochemical, festing different degrees of malignant progression, can indicate chromosomal and molecular genetic mechanisms underlying phenotypic changes potentially useful as therapeutic targets.the malignant progression of certain T cell cancers, includingIn this study, the prolactin (cytokine)-dependent Nb2-11 and loss of a dependency on growth factors (cytokines) 7-9 and autonomous Nb2-SFJCD1 sublines were compared for in vitro development of tissue invasiveness and metastatic ability.10 thiol growth requirements. Whereas Nb2-11 culture growth depended on 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME; 33-100 M), Nb2-The system consists of a parental line of cultured rat pre-T SFJCD1 cells were 2-ME-independent. This difference stemmed lymphoma cells, designated 'Nb2 lymphoma', and a number and growth of the parent Nb2 lymphoma cell line are criti-2-ME enhanced cystine uptake to growth-sustaining levels.cally dependent on the polypeptide hormone, prolactin (PRL),Nb2-SFJCD1 cells did not require 2-ME due to intrinsic, 11-fold higher cystine uptake via the x − − − c cystine/glutamate transport acting as a growth factor (cytokine). 10 In contrast, the growth system. In absence of 2-ME, monosodium glutamate abrogated of Nb2 sublines, obtained by culturing the parent cells in lishment of the first Nb2 lymphoma cell cultures. 5 As reported by various groups, 2-ME can enhance the uptake of L-cystine by lymphoid cells.12-14 L-Cystine or its reduced form, L-cystIntroduction eine, is an essential amino acid for mammalian lymphocytes, and a number of malignant human and animal cell lines of Cancers typically become more aggressive with time and follymphoid origin, which lack the ability to synthesize the lowing ineffective therapy. This phenomenon, termed tumor amino acid. 15,16 Consequently, the growth of such cells is or malignant progression, is manifested by phenotypic procritically dependent on the levels of the amino acid in their perty changes of the cancers, including an increase in growth microenvironment. While lymphoid cells can readily take up rate; loss of a growth requirement for hormones and growth extracellular cysteine, they have, in general, a very low uptake factors; development of tissue invasiveness, metastatic ability capability for cystine, 16,17 which is the dominant form of the and drug resistance.1 At the cellular level, tumor progression amino acid in tissue culture medium or in the circulation, is typified by chromosomal alterations and gene mutations since cysteine is rapidly oxidized to cystine. 11,18 In vitro, the leading to tumor cell heterogeneity and outgrowth of more cyst(e)ine requirement of lymphoid cells can be accommovirulent, autonomous and therapy-resistant sublines (clonal dated by the presence in the medium of cystine at elevated evolution).2,3 Tumor progression poses a very serious problem concentrations or, alternatively, by the presence of a thiol to the clinical management of cancer.1-3...