The relativistic compressive solitons of fast ion-acoustic mode are established in this magnetized plasma for the introduction of relativistic beam when QЈ͑=m b / m i ͒ Ͼ 1 or Ͻ1 subject to v s0 − v b0 = U d sin ͑v s0 = ion initial streaming, v b0 = beam initial streaming, and U d is the beam drift perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field͒. The lighter concentration of beam ions ͑QЈ Ͻ 1͒ in the plasma admits slower variation in amplitudes after some critical N b ͑=beam density͒ for all ͑cos ͒. Further, it is shown that under smaller relativistic effect ͑v b0 / c = 0.10 and v s0 / c = 0.10͒ for small concentration of beam ions ͑QЈ Ͻ 1͒ in the plasma, the growth of soliton amplitude becomes smaller with the increase of N b . But to the contrary, for heavier concentration of beam ions QЈ͑Ͼ1͒, the amplitudes of solitons decay considerably with QЈ growing sharply to a maximum in the vicinity of QЈ Ϸ 1.