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Using the User Profile to Customize Your Online ExperienceOnce you have registered, you can customize your profile in the User Profile section of the site. Within the User Profile section you can: Update your profile information, including your user name and password, address details and account preferences, manage your favorite articles, sign up for journal e-mail alerts, view saved searches, and manage your subscriptions and online access (for institutional subscribers only). For additional assistance with your profile, complete our feedback form at feedback/show Your user name and password can be sent to the e-mail address provided during the registration process at any time. Follow the instructions at to obtain your user name and password by e-mail.
Aim and ScopeOperative Dentistry publishes articles that ad vance the prac tice of operative dentistry. The scope of the journal includes conservation and restoration of teeth; the sci en tifi c foundation of operative dental ther a py; dental materials; den tal education; and the social, po lit i cal, and economic aspects of dental prac tice. Review papers, book reviews, letters and classified ads for faculty positions are also pub lished.