This paper presents the results of research pertaining to high-field magnetic properties, in relation to the theory of H. Kronmüller. Studies were performed on bulk amorphous alloys featuring composition Fe60Co10Mo2WxY8B20-x (x = 1, 2). Samples were produced in the form of plates with a thickness of 0.5 mm; they were prepared by injecting the molten alloy into a water-cooled copper mould. The influence of structural defects on the magnetization process was investigated within high magnetic fields known as the area of the approach to ferromagnetic saturation. For the investigated samples, the studies showed that, in the process of magnetization in high magnetic fields, rotation of the magnetization vector was mainly due to the presence of linear defects in the structure, i.e., quasidislocational dipoles. The density of quasidislocational dipoles in a sample with an addition of 1 % W was nearly twice as high as that of an alternative alloy. Keywords: bulk amorphous alloy, metallic glasses, high magnetic fields, magnetization, structural defects, relaxation lanek predstavlja rezultate raziskav, ki se nana{ajo na visokomagnetne lastnosti, v povezavi s teorijo H. Kronmüllerja. [tudije so bile izvedene na masivni amorfni zlitini s sestavo Fe60Co10Mo2WxY8B20-x (x = 1, 2). Vzorci so bili izdelani v obliki plo{~ic debeline 0,5 mm, izdelane z vbrizgavanjem staljene zlitine v vodno hlajeno bakreno kokilo. Preiskovan je bil vpliv napak v strukturi na proces magnetizacije v visokomagnetnih poljih, poznanih kot podro~je pribli`ka k feromagnetnemu nasi~enju. Za preiskovane vzorce so raziskave pokazale, da pri procesu magnetizacije v visoko magnetnih poljih pride do rotacije magnetnega vektorja predvsem zaradi prisotnosti linearnih napak v strukturi: to so kvazidislokacijski dipoli. Gostota dislokacijskih dipolov v vzorcu, z dodatkom 1 % W, je bila skoraj dvakrat vi{ja kot pa pri drugi zlitini. Klju~ne besede: masivna amorfna zlitina, kovinska stekla, visokomagnetno polje, magnetizacija, napake v strukturi, relaksacija