An experiment was conducted on “Effect of land configuration and moisture regimes on productivity of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) in summer season.” during 2018-19 at Agronomy Research Farm, ANDUA and T, Kumarganj, Ayodhya (U.P.). The experiment accomplished of 12 treatment combinations and laid out in split plot design, replicated three times. The Experiment consisted of three land configuration viz. flat bed planting (P1), ridge planting (P2) and paired row planting on raised bed (P3) were kept in main plots and four moisture regimes viz.0.5 IW/CPE ratio, 0.7 IW/CPE ratios, 0.9 IW/CPE ratios and 1.1 IW/CPE ratios were allotted in sub plots. The experimental results revealed that growth parameters, such as plant height, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation, days to 50 percent ear emergence and days to50 percent maturity and yield were obtained maximum with the paired row planting methods followed by ridge planting and flat bed planting and yield attributes such as number of cobs plant-1 , number grains row-1, number of grains cob-1, cob length (cm), cob girth (cm), grains weight cob-1(g), cob weight (g), shelling percentage (%), grain yield (q ha-1), stover yield (q ha-1), and biological yield (q ha-1) were also increased similarity in same treatment. In case of moisture regimes, the same trends were observed maximum when applied irrigation at 1.1 IW/CPE ratios as compared to other moisture regimes.