1 The eects of convulsant drugs, and of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), were examined on the general anaesthetic actions of ketamine, ethanol, pentobarbitone and propofol in mice. The aim was to investigate the possibility of selective antagonism, which, if seen, would provide information about the mechanism of the anaesthesia. 2 The general anaesthetic eects of ketamine were unaected by bicuculline; antagonism was seen with 4-aminopyridine and signiÂŽcant potentiation with 300 mg kg 71 NMDLA (N-methyl-DLaspartate). The calcium agonist, Bay K 8644, potentiated the anaesthesia produced by ketamine and antagonism of such anaesthesia was seen with TRH. 3 A small, but signiÂŽcant, antagonism of the general anaesthesia produced by ethanol was seen with bicuculline, and a small, signiÂŽcant, potentiation with 4-aminopyridine. There was an antagonist eect of TRH, but no eect of NMDLA. 4 Potentiation of the anaesthetic eects of pentobarbitone was seen with NMDLA and with 4-aminopyridine and the lower dose of bicuculline (2.7 mg kg
71) also caused potentiation. There was no signiÂŽcant change in the ED 50 value for pentobarbitone anaesthesia with TRH. 5 Bicuculline did not alter the anaesthetic actions of propofol, while potentiation was seen with NMDLA and 4-aminopyridine. TRH had no signiÂŽcant eect on propofol anaesthetic, but Bay K 8644 at 1 mg kg 71 signiÂŽcantly potentiated the anaesthesia. 6 These results suggest that potentiation of GABA A transmission or inhibition of NMDA receptor-mediated transmission do not appear to play a major role in the production of general anaesthesia by the agents used.