Tran, T. S. and N'dayegamiye, A. 1995. Long-term effects of fertilizers and manure application on the forms and availability of soil phosphorus. Can. J. Soil Sci. 75: 28I,285. Long-term application of cattle manure and fertilizer can affect the forms and availability of soil phosphorus. This cumulative effect was evaluated on Le Bras silt loam (Humic Gleysol) cultivated with silage corn (Zea mays L.). In this long-term trial, treatments were arranged in a split-plot design, with dairy cattle manure applied at 0 and 20 Mg ha-1 as the main factor. The subplots consisted of six fertilizer treatments (NK, PK, NP, NPK, NPKMg and the unfertilized check). Fertilizer rates for silage corn were 150, 100, 150 and 40 kg ha-l N, P20s, KrO and Mg, respectively. The N fertllizer rate was reduced to 100 kg N ha-l in manured plots. Soil inorganic P (P,) and organic P (Po) fractions were sequentially extracted by resin, NaHCO3, NaOH, HCI and a final HrSOo we'" digestion of the residue. On average, labile P extracted by resin and NaHCO, represented lTVo of the total P (P,); moderately labile NaOH-P, and -Po more than 40Va; and stable P 36Vo.Application of manure and fertilizers increased significantly resin-, NaHCOT-, NaOH-P, and P,. However, NaOH-Po was decreased by P fertilizer application in NPK and NPKMg treatments, while long-term manure application maintained this Po pool in the soil. Stable P fractions were not affected by fertilization or by manuring. In all 6 yr ofthe study, P uptake by silage corn was significantly increased both by longterm N and P fertilizer application and also by manure incorporation. Phosphorus uptake by com was highly related to all labile and moderately labile P, fractions and P,. Long-term application of dairy manure at a rate of 2O t ha-l increased soil P, forms and maintained Po fractions.Key words: Inorganic labile P, organic P, soil-P fractionation, P uptake, silage com d6termin6es par des extractions s6quentielles avec la r6sine HCO.-, NaHCO,, NaOH, HCI et enfin le P r6siduel par la digestion dans HrSOo. En moyenne, le P labile (r6sine et NaHCOT) repr6sente environ 77Vo du P total (Pr), tandis que les formes du P mod6r6menl labile extraites par NaOH et les formes plus stables correspondent respectivement d 40 et 36Vo dtPr. L'application d long terme du fumier et des engrais min6raux a augment6 signifrcativement les teneurs des fractions P, extraites par la r6sine, NaHCOr, NaOH ainsi que les niveaux de P,. Cependant la fraction de NaOH-Po a 6t6 diminu6e significativement par I'apport de P dans les traitements NPK et NPKMg, tandis que I'application d long terme du fumier a maintenu ce pool de Po du sol. Les fractions stables du P n'ont pas 6t6 affect6es par I'application du fumier ou des engrais min6raux. Sur les six ans de l'6tude, les pr6lbvements en P du mais-ensilage ont 6t6 augment6s significativement par l'application d long terme des engrais min6raux N et P ainsi que par le fumier. Les pr6ldvements annuels en P sont reli6s 6troitement avec toutes 1es fractions de P, labiles , mod6r6me...