This research aimed to evaluate the effect of local feed resources on the blood metabolites (protein, blood glucose, prolactin hormone) and milk production of lactating buffalo in Pematang Panjang, Sijunjung. This research used four female lactating buffaloes, aged 4 -6 y.o. The research method used was Latin Square Design. The treatments were A: supplementary forage, B: cassava leaves, C: katuk leaves, and D: gliricidia leaves. The addition of cassava leaves, katuk leaves, and gliricidia leaves each was given at 5 kg/ head/ day and the data collection period was repeated (4 replications). Each treatment was carried out for 10 days and the adaptation period was 1 (one) week for the next treatment. Basal feed was in the form of forage obtained during grazing and concentrates that are usually given by the graziers (farmers). The data analysis was performed using Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and differences between treatments [were tested] with Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results show that the feeding of cassava leaves, katuk leaves, and gliricidia leaves as a food supplement can significantly increase blood protein, blood glucose, and buffalo milk production levels, and they do not affect the prolactin hormone. From the reseawch of the research it can be concluded that cassava leaves, katuk leaves, and gliricidia leaves can be used as ruminant animal feed.