AbtractCarps, Cyprinus carpio L., were exposed to a sublethal concentration of ammonia NII, (0.10210.0S9mg.dm-3) during 3 wccks. The scnsiti~ity of the blood picturc and haemopoietic organs were evaluated. Ammonia intoxication resulted in erythroblastosis of circulating blood. Concurrently, a significant dccrease in polychromatophilic erythroblasts in kidney and orthochromatic erythroblasts in spleen tissues were observed in exposed fish compared with controls. ï h e relative proportion of erythrocytes in peripheral blood decreased and coincided with a highly significant 0><0.01) increase of erythrocytes in spleen imprints of intoxicated carps compared with controls. Penpheral leucopenia, mainly lymphopenia as an intoxication rcsponse, was observed. In thc pronephric cells significant difierences in the proportion of young and adult eosinophils and the proportion of plasmocytes with vacuolizcd cytoplasm were found bctwccn those animals exposcd to the toxic strcss and the controls. Thus, the examination of hacmopoictic organs has a great potcntial in carp health asscssment.