Flavonoicl synthesis is, in many plants, either promloted by light or (lepen(lent upoIn light (3). The nature of this light re(quirement appears to vary de-pending UpOnl the conmpounds ancl plant miiaterials being studiedl ( 15,17,19,21,23 ), and little is known regalrding the relationship between photoinduced sy-nthesis of these compounds and photoincluced growth an(l (levelopmlenit. In etiolated pea plumules, low intensity red light stimulates both leaf growth (20,25) ancl the procluction of an in(lole-3-acetic atcid oxidcase inhibitor (13). This inhibitor has quite recently been found to contain kaeempferol-3-triglucoside (KG) and kaemplpferol-3-(triglucosv-l-p-coumarate) (KGC) (9,10,18).
Materials and MethodsSeeds of Pisum sativumll cv. Alaska, obtaine(d from Associate(l See(l Growers, Inc., New Haven, Connecticut, were sown in moist washed vermiculite in 10 X 10 X 10 cm polyethylene containers. Each container held about 30 to 40 seedIs. The seedlings were growin in darkness at 27 + 1°and were exposed to dinm green light in the (lark rooml for occasional inspection and again at the tinme of harvesting.Red light was supplied by redl fluorescent tubes (Sylvania, 15 w). The far-red light source consisted of five 300-w internal-reflector incandlescent lamnps, light from whiclh was filteredl through 7 layers each of redl and blue (lu Pont cellophane an(d about 8 cIm1 of water (8). The emission curves for the red