Human telomeres terminate with a single-stranded 3′ G overhang, which can be recognized as a DNA damage site by replication protein A (RPA). The protection of telomeres (POT1)/POT1-interacting protein 1 (TPP1) heterodimer binds specifically to single-stranded telomeric DNA (ssTEL) and protects G overhangs against RPA binding. The G overhang spontaneously folds into various G-quadruplex (GQ) conformations. It remains unclear whether GQ formation affects the ability of POT1/TPP1 to compete against RPA to access ssTEL. Using single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer, we showed that POT1 stably loads to a minimal DNA sequence adjacent to a folded GQ. At 150 mM K + , POT1 loading unfolds the antiparallel GQ, as the parallel conformation remains folded. POT1/TPP1 loading blocks RPA's access to both folded and unfolded telomeres by two orders of magnitude. This protection is not observed at 150 mM Na + , in which ssTEL forms only a lessstable antiparallel GQ. These results suggest that GQ formation of telomeric overhangs may contribute to suppression of DNA damage signals.telomere protection | DNA damage response | single molecule imaging H uman telomeres consist of 2,000-30,000 bp of doublestranded TTAGGG repeats and terminate with a 50-to 200-nt-long, single-stranded 3′ G overhang (1). Telomeric termini need to be protected against DNA damage signals to ensure genome integrity. Replication protein A (RPA) nonspecifically binds ssDNA, is highly abundant in eukaryotes, and plays a role in DNA replication and repair (2). RPA binding to ssDNA, including telomeric overhangs, activates the ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related checkpoint (2, 3). The protection of telomeres (POT1)/telomere protection protein (TPP1) subunit of the shelterin complex contributes to telomere protection by specifically binding to the G overhang (4, 5). RPA is 1,000-fold more abundant than POT1/TPP1 and has a similar affinity for singlestranded telomeric DNA (ssTEL) (6, 7). Therefore, POT1/TPP1 alone may not be able to effectively compete against RPA binding (8, 9). Efficient protection of ssTEL against RPA binding may require association of POT1/TPP1 to the rest of the shelterin complex along double-stranded telomeric tracts or other telomere-associated proteins (6, 9).Another potentially significant factor that could influence the competition between RPA and POT1/TPP1 is the ability of ssTEL to form G-quadruplex (GQ) structures (10, 11). Recent studies have shown that human telomeres form GQ structures in vivo (12, 13) and in cell extracts (14). At physiologically relevant ionic conditions (∼150 mM K + ), GQs are thermodynamically more stable than competing Watson-Crick pairing (15). These structures were often regarded as obstacles for recruitment of telomerase (16) and translocation of the DNA replication machinery (17), and their unfolding requires helicase activity (17-19) or ssDNA binding proteins (20,21). It remains unclear whether GQ formation of ssTEL plays any role in protection of telomeres. ssTEL sequences fold into parallel...