“…Liquid water, if not removed effectively, will block the porous catalyst layer (CL) 2 and gas diffusion layer (GDL), 3,4 as well as the gas flow channel in the cathode of PEMFC. 5 The so-Nomenclature: D droplet , water droplet diameter (m); f , volume fraction of the fluid; F s , external force term (N m −3 ); g, gravitational force (m s −2 ); n, surface normal; b n, surface unit normal; P, pressure (Pa); t, time; b t, surface unit tangent; T B , the breaking off time (ms); T D , the detaching time (ms); T L , the landing time (ms); T T , the touching time (ms); v, velocity component (m s −1 ); V, velocity vector (m s −1 ) Subscripts/Superscripts: 0, initial; 1, 2, liquid water, air; c, capillary force; channel, flow channel surface; GDL, GDL surface; lg, liquid-gas interface; needle, needle; s, source term or suspension; T, transpose; w, wall; x, y, z, axes Greeks: α needle , the needle inclination angle (°); ΔT c , the needle capillary force duration (ms); ΔT s , the water suspension time (ms); θ, contact angle (°); κ, surface curvature; μ, viscosity (kg m −1 s −1 ); ρ, density (kg m −3 ); σ, surface tension coefficient (N m −1 ) called water flooding impedes reactant transport to the reaction sites and hence causes severe PEMFC performance degradation. To improve water removal from PEMFC, effective water management strategies, which include the design of fuel cell operating conditions, geometric parameters, and surface wettability, need to be implemented in PEMFC.…”