Aim: The main aim of present study was to assess the cytotoxic effect of coriander oleoresin against lung cancer cell line A549.
Introduction: Coriandrum sativum (Coriander), family Umbelliferae. Coriander contains mainly essential oil and has antioxidant, diuretic, anti-diabetic anticonvulsant, hypnotic sedative, anti-mutagenic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic activity.
Materials and Methods: Coriander oleoresin (product number: 4010000243) was obtained from Synthite Industries Private Limited, Kerala. In the present study, lung cancer cell line A549 was treated with coriander oleoresin at different concentrations and later evaluated for its cytotoxic activity using MTT assay.
Results: The cytotoxic effect of coriander oleoresin on lung cancer cell line was proved; the drug concentration increased, the percentage of cell viability decreased proving its cytotoxic effect. The coriander oleoresin has shown a dose dependent cytotoxic effect on lung cancer cell lines. As the drug concentration increased, the percentage of cell viability decreased proving its cytotoxic effect. The IC50 value was 80 μg/ml.
Conclusion: In the present study, coriander oleoresin showed a good cytotoxic effect on lung cancer cell lines which may be helpful in treatment of lung cancer. However more research is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms of the cytotoxicity property of the plants.