This paper experimentally investigates the conductive heat transfer of samples with different materials and coatings. A range of graphene oxide nanoparticle concentration has been employed. Results demonstrate that utilizing nanoparticles leads to enhancement of conductive heat transfer by 10.07% and 8.01% for EK2 and ST14 samples, respectively. The aforementioned nanoparticles also reduce coating thickness and yield an enhanced quality of the surface, in terms of mechanical properties. The convective and radiative methods of heat transfer have been ignored in this study.
K E Y W O R D SCoating, Conduction, Enamel, Graphene oxide, Nanoparticles 1 | INTRODUCTION Nanotechnology and its fascinating capabilities have attracted abundant research funds and endeavors during the past six decades. The term "nanotechnology" was introduced for the first time by a most-prized physicist, Richard Feynman, in 1959, to focus more at the bottoms looking for more space, instead of current space explorations. However, Drexler 1 published the first book about nanotechnology in 1986. Nowadays, countless numbers of nanotechnology applications are known, and include, but are not limited to, health and medicine, 2,3 energy storage, 4-11 automotive, 12-16 oil and gas industries, 17-22 renewable energies, 23-25 lubrication, 26-28 manufacturing, 29-37 and heat and mass transfer applications. 13,21,[38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52] Graphene is a modern nanomaterial, which was discovered, isolated, and characterized by Novoselov et al 53 for the first time and now has numerous applications due to its promising mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties. 54,55 Graphene has a two-dimensional structure