The purpose of the research is to determine the degree of influence of agronomic and agrochemical factors on the productivity of irrigated hybrid corn Ross 140 SV in the soil and climatic conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan. A stationary field experiment was carried out on irrigated fields of land use of LLC “Kyrlay” in Arsk municipal district in 2022. This experiment was aimed at studying the influence of various factors on the yield and quality of the irrigated crop. After the commissioning of the irrigated site in 2023, the research was continued on the basis of LLC “Agrobiotechnopark” of Kazan State Agrarian University. The design of a stationary field experiment is aimed at determining the effect of different fertilizer doses on the yield of an irrigated agricultural crop. In this case, five options are considered: control (without fertilizers). This option serves as a base for comparing results with other options. It shows how the crop will develop without fertilizers. N74P40K74 for 30 t/ha of biomass, involves applying fertilizers in the amount of 74 kg of nitrogen (N), 40 kg of phosphorus (P) and 74 kg of potassium (K) per 30 tons of biomass. N98P53K97 for 40 t/ha of biomass, in this option the fertilizer doses increase: 98 kg of nitrogen, 53 kg of phosphorus and 97 kg of potassium per 40 tons of biomass. N123P66K121 for 50 t/ha of biomass, this option studies the effect of high fertilizer doses on yield. N148P80K148 for 60 t/ha of biomass: In this variant, the fertilizer doses are maximum: 148 kg of nitrogen, 80 kg of phosphorus and 148 kg of potassium per 60 tons of biomass. The object of the study is the hybrid corn variety Ross 140 SV. The agrochemical parameters of two typical gray-forest soils were as follows: the humus content according to Tyurin was from 3.2 to 3.6%, mobile phosphorus – from 148 to 150 and exchangeable potassium – from 162 to 165 mg/kg of soil according to Kirsanov. The reaction of the soil environment in the salt extract was close to neutral (pH. 6.1 - 6.5). The experiment was repeated three times, the plots were placed systematically, the area of each plot was 126 m2 (4.2 by 30 meters). The system of primary and pre-sowing soil preparation was carried out (in autumn) with stubble disking to 6-8 cm and plowing to 25-27 cm. Pre-sowing cultivation consisted of harrowing in 1-2 tracks. Corn was sown in the second ten-day period of May with a row spacing of 70 cm. Seeds at a seeding rate of 70 thousand pcs./ha were embedded to a depth of 6-8 cm with rolling. Mineral fertilizers were applied in doses calculated for the planned yield of 30 t/ha, 40 t/ha, 50 t/ha, 60 t/ha of biomass. The optimal dose of fertilizers to achieve maximum productivity of hybrid corn Ross 140 SV is N123P66K121 calculated for the planned yield of 50 t/ha of biomass, at which the yield of green mass is 50.7 t/ha, and the payback of mineral fertilizers reaches 81.2 kg of green mass per 1 kg of NPK.