The paper presents studies of the structural-defect influence on the magnetization process in low magnetic fields (H < 0.4 Hc) and above the Rayleigh range. The investigated Fe62Co10Y8B20 alloy samples were obtained with the injection casting method resulting in the amorphous-structure state, which was confirmed with XRD. The studies were conducted by analyzing the disaccommodation of the magnetic-susceptibility process and using Kronmüller's theory in the approach to the ferromagnetic saturation area. On the basis of the obtained results, it was found that the main factor responsible for the processes of magnetization in low magnetic fields are point defects, whereas in the case of high magnetic fields, the magnetization process depends mainly on second-type pseudo-dislocation dipoles. Keywords: metallic glasses, defects, disaccommodation, Kronmüller's theorŷ lanek predstavlja {tudij vpliva strukturnih defektov na proces magnetizacije v {ibkem magnetnem polju (H < 0,4 Hc) in nad Rayleigh podro~jem. Vzorci preiskovane zlitine Fe62Co10Y8B20 so bili izdelani z metodo injekcijskega brizganja, kar je povzro~ilo amorfno strukturo, ki je bila potrjena z rentgensko analizo (XRD). [tudije so bile izvedene z analizo procesa neustreznosti magnetne ob~utljivosti in z uporabo Kronmülerjeve teorije pri pribli`evanju feromagnetno nasi~enemu podro~ju. Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov je bilo ugotovljeno, da so pri procesu magnetizacije glavni faktor to~kaste napake, medtem ko je v primeru magnetizacije v mo~nem magnetnem polju proces odvisen predvsem od druge vrste psevdodislociranih dipolov.