ABSTRACT. Pregnant rats were treated with 30 mg/kg of methotrexate (MTX) on gestation day (GD) 16, and fetal brains were examined time-dependently. On GD 20, the appearance of the telencephalon in the MTX group was different from that in the control group, and the major axis of the telencephalon of the MTX group was shortened, compared to that of the control group. In the sagittal section of the telencephalon in the MTX group on GD 20, histopathological findings of deformation and narrowing of the cerebral ventricle, the disturbance of the arrangement of the marginal cell layer of subventricular zone (SVZ) and thickening of telencephalic wall, cortical plate and ventricular zone (VZ)/SVZ were possibly attributable to neuronal migration disorders by MTX. Through all the experimental period, few pyknotic cells or TUNEL-positive cells were observed in the VZ/SVZ of the telencephalic wall and striatum in the control group. On the other hand, in the VZ/SVZ of the telencephalic wall and striatum in the MTX group, pyknotic cells or TUNEL-positive cells were observed on GD 17, and they increased significantly on GD18 and then decreased to the control levels from GD 19 onward. The phospho-Histone H3-positive rate decreased remarkedly in the VZ/SVZ of the telencephalic wall and striatum of the MTX group on GDs 17 and 18, compared to the control group, but they recovered on and after GD 19. These results suggested that there was a high possibility that development of the telencephalon in this period required strong folic acid. Folate is a water-soluble B-complex vitamin which functions as a coenzyme in single-carbon transfers in the metabolism of nucleic acid and amino acids [11,47]. Folate plays an important part in the brain development in the prenatal periods [11,40]. Folate deficiency during pregnancy is one of several well-established factors that can increase the risk of neural-tube defects, especially spina bifida and anencephaly [11,40]. Folic acid deficiency during late gestation decreased the number of progenitor cells undergoing cell proliferation in the ventricular zones (VZ) of the septum, striatum (caudate putamen) and neocortex and increased apoptosis in the septum of fetal mouse brain [6]. Prenatal folate deficiency manifested later with increased anxiety 9-12 weeks after birth in mice [12]. As stated above, there have been several reports demonstrating the relation between folate deficiency in the prenatal period and abnormal development of brain. However, studies of the consequences of inadequate prenatal folate status on brain development of fetuses are scarce; detailed histopathological findings of fetal brains of folatedeficient animals have not been reported. Folate deficiency occurs in various pathophysiological conditions including impairment in intestinal absorption and renal tubular reabsorption induced by alcohol consumption, and intestinal diseases, such as celiac disease and renal malfunctioning [53]. Folate deficiency is also induced by chronic use of anticonvulsants, such as phenobarbital, pr...