The effects of ambient temperature (25°C to 40°C) and relative humidity (0% to 30%) on the adsorption of toluene, and 1,1,1 trichloroethane on silica alumina, silica alumina impregnated with KMnO 4 , and activated carbon granules and pellets were determined. VOC concentrations in the range 1-1000 ppm were studied. Measurements of the weight of the adsorbed VOCs as a function of time were made in a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). Linear isotherms were tested in all cases. Values of the Henry coefficient H were in the range 0.01-0.10 mm 3 air/mm 2 BET area; they decreased with both increasing temperature and relative humidity. The highest values of H were consistently observed with KMnO 4 -impregnated silica alumina. Empirical correlations relating H to the parameters employed in this study were derived. There was good agreement between the values of H calculated from equilibrium and kinetic data obtained in the TGA and corresponding values measured in a glass test chamber. Improved correlation of the data was obtained using the nonlinear Freundlich, Toth and Dubinin isotherms. The determined fitting parameters for toluene and 1,1,1-trichloroethane on activated carbon were in good agreement with data published in the literature.
AbbreviationsA BET BET surface area of the adsorbent (TGA experiments) (m 2 /g) A D Empirical constant in Dubinin isotherm (mol/J) 2 A si BET surface area of the adsorbent (test chamber experiments) (m 2 ) A so Surface area of VOC source (m 2 ) C b Bulk VOC concentration in the TGA chamber (mg/m 3 ) C i Concentration of VOC within (and exiting from the test chamber) (mg/m 3 ) C o VOC concentration in the inlet zero air (mg/m 3 ) C s Sorbed weight per unit surface area (mg/m 2 ) C sm Empirical constant in Toth isotherm (mg/m 2 ) H Henry constant calculated from TGA equilibrium tests (mm 3 air/mm 2 BET area) H Henry constant calculated from TGA dynamic tests (mm 3 air/mm 2 BET area) H Henry constant calculated from test chamber tests (mm 3 air/mm 2 BET area) I ads Adsorbent index (-) I voc VOC index (-) k Dimensionless mixing factor (-) k a Adsorption rate constant, TGA (m/h) k a Adsorption rate constant, test chamber (m/h) k d Desorption rate constant, TGA (h −1 ) k d Desorption rate constant, test chamber (h −1 ) k F Empirical constant in Freundlich isotherm (mg/m 2 ) k T Empirical constant in Toth isotherm (bar τ ) k s Decay rate constant (h −1 ) Mw VOC molecular weight (g/mole) n Empirical constant in Freundlich isotherm (-) N Actual air exchange rate (h −1 ) NMSE Normalized mean square error (-) P Partial pressure of VOC (bar) 462 Adsorption (2009) 15: 461-475 P t Total pressure (bar) P o Vapor pressure of VOC (bar) Q Volumetric flowrate of air entering the test chamber (m 3 /h) R Universal gas constant (cm 3 bar/mol.K) R 2 Correlation coefficient (-) R o Initial emission rate of VOC (mg/m 2 .h) R s (t) Evaporation rate of VOC (mg/m 2 .h) RH Relative humidity (%) t Time (h) t evap Time taken for the VOC to completely evaporate from the dish (h) T Temperature (°C, K) v VOC liquid molar ...