Catalytic RNAs or ribozymes are considered to be central
to primordial
biology. Most ribozymes require moderate to high concentrations of
divalent cations such as Mg2+ to fold into their catalytically
competent structures and perform catalysis. However, undesirable effects
of Mg2+ such as hydrolysis of reactive RNA building blocks
and degradation of RNA structures are likely to undermine its beneficial
roles in ribozyme catalysis. Further, prebiotic cell-like compartments
bounded by fatty acid membranes are destabilized in the presence of
Mg2+, making ribozyme function inside prebiotically relevant
protocells a significant challenge. Therefore, we sought to identify
conditions that would enable ribozymes to retain activity at low concentrations
of Mg2+. Inspired by the ability of ribozymes to function
inside crowded cellular environments with <1 mM free Mg2+, we tested molecular crowding as a potential mechanism to lower
the Mg2+ concentration required for ribozyme-catalyzed
RNA assembly. Here, we show that the ribozyme-catalyzed ligation of
phosphorimidazolide RNA substrates is significantly enhanced in the
presence of the artificial crowding agent polyethylene glycol. We
also found that molecular crowding preserves ligase activity under
denaturing conditions such as alkaline pH and the presence of urea.
Additionally, we show that crowding-induced stimulation of RNA-catalyzed
RNA assembly is not limited to phosphorimidazolide ligation but extends
to the RNA-catalyzed polymerization of nucleoside triphosphates. RNA-catalyzed
RNA ligation is also stimulated by the presence of prebiotically relevant
small molecules such as ethylene glycol, ribose, and amino acids,
consistent with a role for molecular crowding in primordial ribozyme
function and more generally in the emergence of RNA-based cellular