Residual effect of kharif crop residue was studied in experiment conducted during kharif, 2018-19 and rabi, 2019-20 on clay soils of Advanced Post Graduate Centre, Lam, Guntur. Split-plot design was adopted where the main plots are four residue management practices i.e., foxtailmillet residue incorporation with decomposer consortium followed by chickpea (M1), foxtailmillet residue incorporation with FYM @ 5 t ha -1 followed by chickpea (M2), foxtailmillet residue mulch followed by zerotill chickpea (M3) and no residue incorporation (fallow during kharif) (M4) and three irrigation schedules to rabi chickpea i.e., no irrigation (I1), one irrigation at 25 DAS (I2) and two irrigations at 25 DAS and 55 DAS (I3) as subplots which are replicated thrice. Foxtailmillet residue incorporation with decomposer consortium followed by chickpea (M1) reported significantly highest growth, yield attributes, yield (seed and haulm) and harvest index on a par to foxtailmillet residue mulch followed by zerotill chickpea (M3) but comparable with foxtailmillet residue incorporation with FYM @ 5 t ha -1 followed by chickpea (M2). The seed yield reduction in no residue incorporation (fallow during kharif) (M4) was 10.3% when compared to foxtailmillet residue incorporation with decomposer consortium followed by chickpea (M1). Among irrigation schedules, two irrigations at 25 DAS and 55 DAS (I3) registered the highest drymatter accumulation, plant height, yield attributes, seed yield and haulm yield compared to no irrigation (I1).