“…Here r ¼ bR e Àad , R ¼ ½ð n n À 1Þ=ð n n þ 1Þ 2 is the mean one-surface reflectance, a ¼ 2pðj e þ j o Þ=l the mean absorption coefficient (with j o and j e the extinctions for the ordinary and extraordinary waves, respectively), j ¼ pd n n=l the mean phase shift of the waves upon a single pass through the plate, 0 b 1 the parameter that accounts for the reduction of the multiple reflections due to light scattering and non-parallelity of the entrance and exit surfaces [16], and dc and de the effective imperfection parameters of the optical equipment, which may be dependent on q and c angles in case if the latter are large enough. It is worth noticing that formula (5) in fact suggests a purely polarimetric method for determining the circular dichroism, which does not require any dichrographic apparatus.…”