The main North Slope Class I industrial waste disposal facility has injected 12 million barrels into a permeable formation just beneath the permafrost at 2000 feet. Initial concerns about fluid confinement were addressed by extensive field testing. This testing, coupled with the absence of underground sources of drinking water, allowed injection pressures to be authorized above the fracture gradient - an unusual operating condition.
Re-permitting the facility in 1999 required an evaluation of permafrost thermal response to the injection of warm fluids and determination of potential impacts on waste confinement. This was accomplished using temperature logging after a one week shut-in period and by thermal modeling. At issue was whether the temperature log profiles could be explained by conductive heat transfer or whether they indicated upward fluid movement out of the injection zone. The evaluation was accomplished by coupling a radial thermal model with a one-dimensional vertical conduction model. This combination could better predict the temperature profile adjacent to the injection interval because vertical heat transfer is dominant just above the storage reservoir.
Very good agreement was obtained between field measurements and the model results, indicating there was no fluid moving upward through the confining zone. With this "history match" as a basis, the model was used to predict future temperature changes and thaw bulb growth throughout the permafrost interval.
Five wells were drilled through the permafrost in 1973 for a field test to determine the thaw extent and casing loading that results from production of hot oil-reservoir fluids. The wells were located at the Prudhoe Bay Pad-3 facility and oriented on a 5-spot pattern with 33 feet between the corner wells (Figure 1). During this test, hot glycol was circulated in the five unperforated wells to thaw the permafrost. After 18 months, the individual thaw bulbs merged to form a single thaw bulb. This test and results are documented in Reference 4.
Following the test, the wells were shut in until waste injection began in 1976 in the Northwest well. Injection began in the Northeast well in 1978 and in the two southern wells in 1985. Injection has alternated among the four corner wells during the past 23 years. The center well was never completed and the Northeast well was plugged and abandoned in 1988 due to mechanical problems. In 1989 three wells were permitted for Class I industrial waste disposal. The injected volume has now reached 12 million barrels (MMB).
The wells are completed as shown in Figure 2. They are perforated 145–258 feet below the base of the permafrost in a heterogeneous interval of thinly-bedded sand stringers, siltstones, and mudstones. A very permeable 30 foot-thick sandstone comprises the upper part of the injection interval. The confining zone and arresting interval are composed of inter-bedded low permeability silts, shaley mudstones, and sand stringers. The aggregate thickness is 132 feet.
Wastes are trucked to Pad-3 from various sources. These include drilling rigs, production facilities, well treatments, heavy equipment operations and maintenance, laboratories, and the de-watering of numerous pits. These volumes include a wide spectrum of waste types (1) (2) with a range of temperatures, viscosities, densities, and solids content.