“…Three ramifications of the presence of small amounts of genetic drift have been explored: first, drift slows down the rate of advance of the wave by a factor proportional to the dimensionless quantity 1/(log(ρσ s/2)) 2 where ρ is population density, σ 2 is the rate of diffusion and s is the selection coefficient (Brunet et al, 2006;Mueller et al, 2011); second, the resulting cline shape (that is the shape of the wavefront) is well-approximated by a truncated Fisher wave (described in more detail in §2.1), Brunet and Derrida (1997); Mueller et al (2011); and third, the genealogy of a sample from the wavefront will be dominated by 'founder effects' (resulting from fluctuations in the wavefront) and in an appropriate timescale is approximated not by a Kingman coalescent, but instead by the so-called Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent in which, in particular, multiple lineages merge in a single event (Brunet et al, 2006;Berestycki et al, 2012).…”