We study the dynamics of few interacting bosons in a one-dimensional lattice with dc bias. In the absence of interactions the system displays single-particle Bloch oscillations. For strong interaction the Bloch oscillation regime re-emerges with fractional Bloch periods which are inversely proportional to the number of bosons clustered into a bound state. The interaction strength affects the oscillation amplitude. Excellent agreement is found between numerical data and a composite particle dynamics approach. For specific values of the interaction strength, a particle will tunnel from the interacting cloud to a well-defined distant lattice location. Bloch oscillations [1] in dc biased lattices are due to wave interference and have been observed in a number of quite different physical systems: atomic oscillations in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) [2], light intensity oscillations in waveguide arrays [3], and acoustic waves in layered and elastic structures [4], among others.Quantum many-body interactions can alter the above outcome. A mean-field treatment makes the wave equations nonlinear and typically nonintegrable. For instance, for many atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate, a mean-field treatment leads to the Gross-Pitaevsky equation for nonlinear waves. The main effect of nonlinearity is to deteriorate Bloch oscillations, as recently studied experimentally [5] and theoretically [6][7][8].In contrast, we explore the fate of Bloch oscillations for quantum interacting few-body systems. This exploration is motivated by a recent experimental advance [9] in monitoring and manipulating few bosons in optical lattices. Few-body quantum systems are expected to have finite eigenvalue spacings, consequent quasiperiodic temporal evolution, and phase coherence. In a recent report on interacting electron dynamics, spectral evidence for a Bloch frequency doubling was reported [10]. On the other hand, it was also recently argued that Bloch oscillations are effectively destroyed for few interacting bosons [11].In this Brief Report, we show that for strongly interacting bosons a coherent Bloch oscillation regime re-emerges. If the bosons are clustered into an interacting cloud at time t = 0, the period of Bloch oscillations will be a fraction of the period of the noninteracting case, scaling as the inverse number of interacting particles (Fig. 1). The amplitude (spatial extent) of these fractional Bloch oscillations decreases with increasing interaction strength. For specific values of the interaction, one of the particles leaves the interacting cloud and tunnel for a possibly distant and well-defined site of the lattice. For few particles, the dynamics is always quasiperiodic, and a decoherence similar to the case of a mean-field nonlinear equation [7] does not take place.We consider the Bose-Hubbard model with a dc field:whereb + j andb j are standard boson creation and annihilation operators at lattice site j , the hopping t 1 = 1, and U and E are the interaction and dc field strengths, respectively. To study the dynamics of...