The quality and shelf-life o f fresh eggs were studied under simulated climatic conditions as found in Kuwait. Three groups of eggs (unwashed, washed, and washed and oil treated) were used. The treated eggs were stored at 5", 25", 37" and 42°C. Internal and external quality and sensory evaluation o f the eggs stored up to 7 5 days were determined. The quality of the unwashed and washed eggs stored at 37°C and 42°C deteriorated rapidly while the wash and oil treatment extended shelf-life but decreased in quality to C over a period o f time. The percent weight loss in the oil treated eggs at all temperatures was about 0.6% while the washed and unwashed lost more depending upon the temperature and storage time. All parameters studied for interior quality showed that oil treated eggs were significantly better than untreated eggs even at 42°C. Sensory evaluation on boiled eggs indicated that changes in flavor and overall quality for untreated eggs stored at high temperatures were obvious while little change in texture was observed. I t was concluded that under Kuwaiti conditions eggs should be oil treated directly after collection and stored at or below 25°C so that the quality and shelf-life can be extended significantly.