With the increasing demand for volume reduction and efficiency improvement, very high frequency (VHF) power converters (30-300 MHz) have attracted great interest. Under such high operating frequency conditions, the value and volume of passive components can be greatly reduced, and the power density can be improved. However, many concerns and challenges accompany the increasing operating frequency, such as high switching loss, high magnetic components loss and high driving circuit loss. Including various topologies of the VHF converter, this study reviews the state-of-the-art technology involved in the VHF power converter, also encompassing the inverter stage and matching network stage. Secondly, different magnetic components and semiconductor devices were evaluated under the VHF operating condition. Thirdly, the highefficiency driving methods, such as the resonant driving method and self-resonant driving method, were demonstrated. A guideline for converter design and system optimisation of the VHF converter and related technologies, including all components and systems, is illustrated in this study. Finally, the future research hot spots and challenges have been pointed out as guidance for further advanced VHF power conversion techniques. It is noteworthy that in the VHF condition, the needed passive resonant components have a quite small value, thus, the parasitic capacitive and inductive components of semiconductor devices and their layout must be carefully considered. On the one hand, the parasitic components are expected as small as possible, making the system absent of their influence; On the other hand, the parasitic components may be taken as the resonant components in power circuits. Thus, a deep evaluation of semiconductor devices is performed in this paper [17-24]. Another challenge for the VHF converter is magnetic components, which lead to a large part of system volume. There are two choices for high-frequency inductors or transformers, i.e. with a magnetic core and without magnetic core (air core). With the help of the magnetic core, the volume can be greatly reduced compared with the air core one under the same inductance in ideal condition, as well as the magnetic field can be well controlled. However, the loss and thermal performance must be taken into consideration. Thus, this paper provides a deep comparison as guidance for magnetic component selection under VHF conditions [25-31]. Besides the perspectives of topology and component selection, in VHF conditions, the system efficiency is also significantly affected by driving loss. In the square-waveform driving method, the switch turns on and turns off by charging and discharging input capacitors during every cycle. However, the energy of the switch input capacitor is totally dissipated. Thus, the driving loss goes to a relatively high level with the increment of operating frequency, especially when it reaches tens of MHz. To solve this problem, advanced driving methods, such as the resonant driving method and the self-resonant driving method are...