SYNOPSIS There are no studies that define the optimum intensity or time to begin exercising reinnervating muscle. Exercise is a basic therapeutic procedure in the management of neuromuscular disease, yet far less is known of its applications than, say) chemotherapeutic agents in infectious disease. Fundamental knowledge is lacking in areas one would deem crucial. What should be the intensity of exercises in a given type of impairment? What is the proper duration of exercise ? One hears opinions regarding these variables but nowhere can one find solid principles.Several reports have indicated that patients with disease of the lower motoneurone lost strength after excessive activity (Lovett, 1917;Kendall and Kendall, 1939;Lundervold, 1942;Green, 1949;Seddon, 1949;Hyman, 1953;Mitchell, 1953;Bennett and Knowlton, 1958;Hnik, 1962). Clinical studies designed to determine the effect of exercise after neuronal damage have indicated that exercise does not damage muscle but, on the contrary, they have consistently borne out the efficacy of brief repetitive therapeutic exercises (Delorme et al