Dyck, G. w. igg6. The effect of oxytocin on the time of ovulation, conception, and embryonic survival in swine' can' J' Anim. Sci. :76: 541-545.Three experiments were undertaken to assess the effect of a subcutaneous injection of oxytocin (OT, 10 iUj ", tt. time of ovulation in 25 sows, conception rate and embryo survival in these sows, and conception rate and embryo sur-vival in g2 crossbred gilts. The OT was given after the sows were'detected in estrus (exp. 1) and after the first artificial insemination (AI) in exps. 2 and3.The effect of1 single AI or a second AI 18 h later on embryo survival in the gilts also was assessed'The gilts were ftom either a control (C) line oi a line selected (S) for minimum backfat at market weight' In sows, OT versus no injeJtion (NI) had no effect on the time of owlation, as determined by hansrectal ulffasonography (TU)' when the injection was given at the detection of estrus (oT, 43.4