Zacarias, L., Talon, M., Ben-Cheikh, W., Lafuente, M. T. and Primo-Millo, E. 1995. Abscisic acid increases in non-growing and paclobutrazol-lreated fruits of seedless mandarins. -Physiol. Plant. 95: 613-619.Clementine [Citrus reticuiala fHoit.] Ex. Tanaka cv. Oroval) is a self-incompatible mandarin with a slow rale of fruit growth and high percentage of fruit abscission. Seedless Satsuma (Citrus unshiu [Mak] Marc. cv. Clausellina) shows natural parthenocarpy and higher fruit set. Application of 25 ng fruit ' of paclobutiazol (PP333), an inhibitor of gibberelhn biosynthesis, reduced the rate of growth and accelerated fruit abscission in both varieties. In contrast, gibberellin A, (GAj) stimulated fmit growth only in the selfincompatible mandarin. Clementine fruits, in the absence of pollination, showed an approximately 2-fold transient increase in the free abscisic acid (ABA) content shortly af-teT petal fall. In Satsuma, a very small accumulation of ABA was detected. Paclobutrazol treatment induced a 3-fold increase in ABA in Satsuma fruits but did not substantially affect the pattem of ABA accumulation in Clementine. In this variet>', GA, suppressed the ABA increase observed in untreated fruits. These effects were observed 24 h after treatment. However, in Satsuma fruits, the effect of GA, on the ABA content was negligible. In addition, a comparative analysis of growing and non-growing fruits of Clementine showed that ABA, on a per unit weight basis, was always higher in the nongrowing fruits. Treatment with 85 pM fluridoae. an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis and thus indirectly of ABA, delayed fruit abscission in Clementine, but also decreased fmit growth. Collectively, these observations indicate a relationship between high ABA content and a reduced rate of fruit growth and an acceleration of fruit abscission. Kev words -Abscisic acid. Citrus reticulata. Citrus unshiu. fruit growth and abscission, gibberellins. mandarin, paclobutrazol. L. Zaearias (eorresponding author) and M. T. Lafuente. Ptiysiol. Ptant. 95. 1995 s\ -J-\